- Term Limits for City Council (The leadership resources within our community are significant. Having a two term limit for the City Council would allow this leadership to directly participate. It would also regularly infuse new energy and creativity into the council. Contact me to sign the Petition!)
- Basic, Affordable Internet (Eastsiders should have access to a basic and affordable internet service. I get 1.5 mb service from Centurylink on my street. The company has been promising to upgrade infrastructure for about 5 years. The access to the internet is critical for our kids to use their school Ipads and for individuals to learn more about their community and its needs.)
- Community Policing – Not more policing (There is significant tension between a significant potion of the Eastsiders and our police department as the events at the new Arlington Hill Recreation Center strongly suggest. The issues causing these tensions need to be resolved without blame and through understanding discussions. The Communities and Police in Dialogue - Turn Your Ideas Into Action! program is good start toward understanding, but the effort needs to cover all of Ward 6. In addition, it should be part of a larger set of permanent programs. For example, young child could learn about the hard work and value of our police force via a revival of the "Officer Friendly" program in our elementary schools. The bottom line is the trust in and accountability of our police force can be improved without seeking blame upon any one.)
- Rebuild Neighborhood Rec Center System (Saint Paul’s founders setup a beautiful system of parks & recreation centers, which numbered about 50 at one time. There are now about 25 city managed centers with a handful of centers contracted out to private groups, whichstill allow public access. These community centered amenities were a reason I and my family chose St. Paul. The Eastside has a high density of children who need a neighborhood based park system with centers. Therefore, protecting and enhancing these natural resources is important as these children are our future. Their success will lift all of us, spur investment, and increase home values.
- Keep our City Livable (A livable city is place where a broad range of people can live, work, and play in a sustainable manner. St. Paul has won awards for its status as a livable city which is the legacy of our pre-automobile development. Residential, commercial, and industrial uses were close together and linked via sidewalks and trolleys. Housing types were mixed for mixed types of incomes. Our city's policies should continue to promote the integrated urban design so Eastsiders can live, work, & play near YOUR HOME, OUR EASTSIDE.
- Connecting with Eastsiders (I plan to have a satellite office on Payne or Arcade Avenue to allow easier access to your government. I will often eat out for breakfast/lunch and actively invite people to join me. My success as your representative will only increase with my availability to YOU!)
- Quality Education Opportunities (I hear and read that people are leaving the Eastside because the neighborhood schools are not good. Although the School Board is ultimately responsible for the state of schools, the state of a city's education is often linked to the city and not the Board. Consequently, the City Council needs to be concerned about education. In 2004, the National League of Cities published a report on ways a city can participate in the development of effective schools. I would work to find ways to synergize the normal role of cities with the effective education efforts of the Saint Paul School Board.)